Friday, August 22, 2014

What is "...from the heart"

This blog has been created via the request of my wonderful supporters. I will still continue with my normal prayer letters but due to everything that will be happening within the next month this will be a better way for details to be given while I am in the hospital. What is the purpose of it? It has been created to keep a better connection between you and I. As my supporters both financially and prayerfully, you ought to be informed with what is happening in my life. I want you to be involved in what goes on while I am both stateside and overseas. For the time being the updates will mostly be concerning my health. My first surgery is a week from today and I would like to be able to keep you informed so that you will know how things are going and how to pray. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and support thus far. It means so much to me to know that I do not just have my immediate family behind me, or even just my home church, but that I have people all over the world bringing my trials before the Throne of Grace.

The title of this blog is "...from the heart." There is a two fold purpose to this. Obviously the updates for the time being will be mainly concerning my heart as I will be facing these operations. But more importantly I would like to use this blog to share with you the things that the Lord is doing spiritually in my heart as I travel this journey. I want this to be a way for me to share with you the things I learn both during this trial and when I travel to Kiribati. As I spend my time in recovery I will try to keep updates on Kiribati as well. And I ask that you continue to pray for the Daku and Snyder families, as well as the i-Kiribati people.

Keep checking in for updates along the way. During the next few weeks there will be several updates, and I have asked my sister to keep updates going while I am out of commission.

Preparing to serve Him on the Equator


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