Monday, September 15, 2014

From the 2 week check up!

Just wanted to take a moment to update. God is good and while there are something's that are not so great there are a great many blessings I have to share. First off I have to say that I am beyond thankful for my wonderful family! I cannot imagine what I would do without them! They have set aside so many things in their lives to help make this situation as smooth as possible for me. My parents have gone above and beyond to make me comfortable, come in the middle of the night when I have had muscle spasms, taken care of my doctors appointments and so much more! I could ask for anything more! I am so thankful for my sister Amanda who willingly put her family and life on hold to be able to travel all the way to Minnesota with me and be there with me as I went through everything. Siting with someone after surgery and trying to patiently work with them, comfort them, and even just hold their hand as tubes are taken in or out isn't easy, but my sister went through it all with me! My brothers have been just as wonderful. It has been such a blessing to see my little brother be my right arm, he helps me up from bed every morning, from the chair every hour. He walks with me everywhere as I am not very stable on my feet, he even picked me up the other day from the kitchen floor. And as much as I don't always enjoy it, he keeps me accountable with all my meds and brings me something to drink every hour. Brandon has been a huge encouragement even though he could not be here with me he has called several times to check on me, and facetimed several times so that my niece and I could talk which lifted my spirits so much!

Secondly I am thankful that of all of these meds they had me on (this is just the morning dose) I was taken off of two of them today!

Thirdly I want to thank The Lord for my church! I am so thankful for all of the love and support I have received from them! I am also so thankful for the technology available to watch livestream services! It lifts my spirits to be able to watch my church service as I am not able to go anywhere for church.

I am just so overwhelmed right now at how good. God has been to me! Thank you so much for all of your cards and calls, they have been helped me so much! I love Gods timing because every time I am having a rough time is when I receive a call or a card. For those of you who have asked my parents address is:

2674 Township Road 1087
Perrysville Ohio 44864

As for the most recent update on me. I am fairing pretty well. My pain has started to even out some as opposed to before when I would have random spasms. I went to the doctor today for my 2 week check up. My incision infection has worsened a great deal and the incision has opened some. We are
still praying that it will heal. The doctor said as of right now there is nothing they can do for the incision so I just need to keep it as clean as it can and pray it will begin to heal. As for my pneumonia they feel as though it has gotten better, however the lower portion of my left lung is collapsed and does not seem to be re-inflating. They are going to have me some back in next week to recheck that lung as well as the progress of the infection. Please also continue to pray for my dizzy/passing out spells. We are not entirely sure why I am having them, but something is causing my blood pressure and pulse to drop very low very fast and it is causing me to nearly pass out. (This was the original reason I ended up in the ER last week. After my shower my blood pressure dropped and I nearly passed out which was followed by vomiting.) Today in the doctors office my BP dropped to 78/64.
I will update y'all on any changes that happen.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support thus far!
Please continue to pray for the Daku and Snyder families as well as the iKiribati people!


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